Saturday, June 30, 2012

5g technology

                                                         The fifth generation mobile technology is the latest invention after 2G, 3G or 4G in the list of research and developmental projects. Currently, 5G is being used to develop beyond the limitations of 4G technology.
                                                             It is also being developed to utilize wireless technology to the best of its ability. But, the problem lies in the fact that, experts in technology are doubtful about the development and success of 5G since there aren’t any set standards or specifications which can certify any device as a 5G device. 
                                                                     In the past, 2G and 3G wireless technologies took over 10 years to develop. Thus, it is but natural for the experts to be disinterested due to lack of any solid research on 5G technology.

Would it lead to faster data rates?    

                                    In the developing stages, probably no.  Just like, 3G brought over several changes than 2G, 4G is much more advanced than 3G. 
                                    However, the concentration on the 5G technology would be on erasing out the service boundaries. 
                                  Today, the service provided is limited by its reach and coverage. The key ideas brought in the forefront by the research hints at the idea that users will be able t switch between several networks if the current network signal becomes weak.

When can we expect to use it?

                                                                  5G is still in a pre-developmental stage and thus it will take months and years before it can be implemented on a large scale basis to be capable of using.


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